Initiatives | Overview
UT Population Health Strategic plan
The University of Texas Collaborative on Population Health Innovation and Improvement (UT-CoPHII) is a population health learning collaborative of all UT Health Science Centers and the two new UT medical schools that will result in actionable strategic plans for each institution and the UT System as a whole.
The Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB) is a multidisciplinary network made up of health professionals throughout the state whose mission is to advance health care quality and patient safety for all Texas mothers and babies.

The Texas Health Improvement Network (THIN) is a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaboration designed to address urgent health care challenges in Texas.
Texas Safe Babies
In partnership with The University of Health Science Center at Tyler, and funded by the Department of Family and Protective Services, the UT System is evaluating hospital-based interventions that are designed to prevent abuse, especially abusive head trauma, in the first year after birth.
Eliminate Tobacco
Eliminate Tobacco Use is a consortium of UT institutional representatives, led by UT MD Anderson and UT System, whose goal is to eliminate tobacco use at all UT institutions.
Mental Health Workgroup
The Chairs of the Psychiatry Departments at UT Health Institutions, non-UT Institutions, and local and state mental health department representatives are meeting regularly to discuss opportunities to improve coordination between the state and academic mental health.
Healthier Texas Summit
Healthier Texas is a partnership with IT'S TIME TEXAS dedicated to addressing obesity, nutrition, physical fitness and tobacco use.
Health indicators
UT System Population Health is producing a series of analyses, reports, and maps that document the health of specific communities within Texas.
population health scholars program
Learn about our Population Health Scholars program, and how to apply to join the team.
Healthy Families
Healthy Families is an initiative, funded by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, to identify and reduce disparities associated with infant mortality in Hidalgo and Smith Counties.
Sendero Health Plans Partnership
Sendero Health Plans' partnership with UT System Population Health brings a population health perspective to improving the health of Sendero’s member populations.

Funded by DSHS, UT System Population Health is studying developmental outcomes in children with one or more Zika-related birth defects, and children born to mothers with evidence of Zika infection during pregnancy.

The goal of this project, which is led by Baylor College of Medicine, is to understand and align the local policies and practices of law enforcement, child protective services, health care, and treatment facilities to improve outcomes for mothers with substance use disorder and their babies.
Growth Strategy
The goal of the Growth Strategy is to develop a data-driven plan that the Prevention and Early Intervention Division (PEI) of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) can use to expand the reach of their programs and develop a feasible growth strategy. It is funded by DFPS and the Casey Family Foundation.
Texas Health Journal
The Texas Health Journal is an ongoing digital effort to tell the story of how the 14 institutions that make up the University of Texas System are improving the health of the people of Texas and expanding the base of health knowledge and practice on a national and international scale.